Today’s coffee shop project… find a way to add a box to my blog/websites
sidebar that shows a list of the last / most recent visitors to my
blog/site. I’ve seen the free widget before somewhere but now when I search
for "display last 20 website visitors on your blog" I can’t seem to find it.

Cluster maps shows a little world map widget of the recent visitors to your
site but they don’t have a list that shows what keyword the visitor searched
for to find your site or what time they arrived on your site.

Searching for "show visitor statistics on your blog sidebar" to see if we
can find anything.. ..

Just found a couple! "Feedjit" shows what country the visitor is from and
what page they arrived on.

Feedjit doesn’t seem to show what search phrase the visitor used to find
you.  I wanted that.

This one is from wowzio…. doesn’t seem to show referrer
either.  Another blog says that it has this feature so I’m going to
give it a shot.

My last search was for "real time blog referrers widget"
which produced the same type of results.  Wowzio does not have an
automated widget setup… you actually have to email them a request to be
setup. More updates to come.