Sometimes I feel like my router is buckling on the pressure… It connects and disconnects… We usually don’t have more than 13 devices on in the household… Smart phones, tablets, notebooks, raspberryPi, Xbox, etc. I just thought that it might be time to upgrade my router to improve the efficiency of everybody’s online experience. I’ll let you know if it does not work out as I was hoping. I did some research and ended up purchasing this one:
Tenda AC15 Wireless-AC1900 Dual Band Gigabit Router,1300Mbps at 5GHz, 600Mbps at 2.4GHz,3 External Antennas,3 USB Port, IPv6, Guest Network
Articles Found While Resarching:
6 ways to speed up your Wi-Fi and make working from…
Article mostly recommends optimal positioning of the router for good wireless signal. It also recommends upgrading equipment every couple of years. Does not recommend any routers in particular.
Things I was also searching for:
- Can an expensive router improve your productivity?
- Is it your router that is slowing down your home Internet connection and not your ISP?
- What is the router that Noah Kagan recommends?