image If Google ( this was written before google lost it’s throne to Duck Duck Go Search Engine  )  and other search engines detect images on your wordpress pages or any other webpage, article, blog, etc it will send you more visitors than if you didn’t. So if you have a gallery of great photos on your page ( listening to metallica orion now from master of puppets… damn it’s good ) it would be smart to make it a search engine friendly gallery. So what gallery plugins for wordpress are seo friendly?

Quick Answer: The default wordpress gallery is seo friendly… it directly embeds the thumbnail image as well as the large image on your post or page. Now that is solved… get on with your life.

But what about that cool NextGen gallery? Quick answer: YES! It also embeds the thumbnails and larger images directly into the page for seo indexability.

Note: Flash add ons that display your gallery via flash ( like this one ) don’t appear to be seo friendly.
