After I set up WordPress on my verio VPS hosting account I was able to upload images but was getting this error message in the end:

Unable to create directory /home/wesleyed/www/ Is its parent directory writable by the server?

By default when you install WordPress on verio VPS hosting it will install it into a subdirectory of your domain…. I moved all of the WordPress files and folders up one directory so that it would operate from my domain root folder. It looks like I don’t have the proper permissions set up for the uploads directory. So the question becomes “how to set permissions on folders on verio VPS hosting accounts”…

Turns out there was not even a “uploads folder” in my directory… so I created it and gave it the following permissions. After trying to upload another image I got the following error:

“The uploaded file could not be moved to /home/wesleyed/www/”

I think I’m just going to check with support on this one or the WordPress forum.