Here are some handy commands that I have set up for my browser to use different Google features.
If I want to view the definition of the word I just say “Google define fascism” and the next thing you know I will be looking at Google’s definition for fascism.
If I want to search Google for hotels in Phuket I would just say “Google for hotels in Phuket”.
If I wanted to do a blog search for hotels in Phuket I would say “blog search for hotels in Phuket”.
The “search this site for” command is not yet working correctly. It is meant to search the current website you are looking at for whatever text you utter.for example let’s say you are reading an article about how 9/11 was an inside job on the New York Times website and you wanted to search the New York Times website for other occurrences of 9/11 articles. You would say “search this site for 9/11”.
” command is not yet working correctly. It is meant to search the current website you are looking at for whatever text you utter.for example let’s say you are reading an article about how 9/11 was an inside job on the New York Times website and you wanted to search the New York Times website for other occurrences of 9/11 articles. You would say “search this site for 9/11”.
#Google commands
Google define <_anything> = “{alt+d} $1 {enter}{f3}” ;
feeling Lucky for <_anything> = SendSystemKeys( {Ctrl+Shift+f} ){l}{space}$1{Enter} ;
blog search for <_anything> = “{alt+d} $1 {enter}{f3}” ;
search this site for <_anything> = “{alt+d}{ctrl+c} $1 &num=50&as_sitesearch={Ctrl+v}{enter}{f3}” ;