Title: problems with WordPress multiple file gallery upload.

Problem keywords: can’t find multi-image upload feature in WordPress. How to upload multiple images at once using WordPress 2.5. Bulk image upload feature. WordPress gallery multiple image upload.

I’m working on setting up for Gallery for my latest WordPress 2.5 website and when I tried to upload an image into a post I can find the option where I can upload a single image however not the option where I can upload multiple images at one time. Here’s a trick that does not work: holding down the shift key while selecting multiple images.

I just searched around a little bit and found some other people with the same problem and no solutions.

I went to the WordPress forum and found this post http://wordpress.org/support/topic/164254

Conclusion: best option is to just wait for another update to come out. Upload files that classic one by one way for now.

==================== another post ====================

Title: working with WordPress 2.5 page navigation

Keywords: how to hide some pages from your WordPress navigation bar.

Solution was found here http://codex.wordpress.org/wp_list_pages

the following tag excluded page ID number eight.

==================== another post ====================

Title: automating the set up and customization of a WordPress blog.

The last website that I built with WordPress took too long because of the learning curve. Suggestion: Monitor the WordPress forum to get an idea of what is possible and what isn't.

I had problems trying to hide certain pages from my navigation bar. This is the navigation bar that appears automatically in your sidebar. This navigation bar displays all of your "pages" and not your "posts". I finally found the answer easily win I searched for the particular bit of code. wp_list_pages

My skill and speed in the set up of templates is also pretty sluggish. I found this page somewhat helpful in explaining the anatomy of the WordPress templates files http://boren.nu/archives/2004/11/10/anatomy-of-a-wordpress-theme/

I also spent too much time trying to style my navigation bar so that it displayed horizontally in line. Timesaving suggestion; copy the necessary CSS and HTML and save it for quick insertion.

==================== another post ====================

Title: setting up your WordPress 2.5 weblog to allow open ID comments.

I found this article on how to set up your weblog to accept open http://www.solo-technology.com/blog/2008/01/19/openid-enabling-a-wordpress-blog/

I wonder if open ID or any of the providers allow you to keep track of responses to your comments. Worth checking into. Attaching your open ID to a service like this one http://www.plaxo.com would be the equivalent of a new command center. Consolidating your online life and projects.

==================== another post ====================

Title: awesome WordPress template design

I like this guy's WordPress template. I wonder how many hours it took them. http://ma.tt/

==================== another post ====================

Title: making a WordPress page to contain your gallery posts.

If you're using a WordPress website for a standard website instead of a weblog you will usually want to create a custom home page instead of the chronological blog posting of your normal blog. That being said we also would like to have a blog section within our site to display news and link to photo galleries. The question is how to make another page that shows up in the navigation bar and is not just a page but is a container that holds additional posts ( normal blog posts ) and ( gallery posts ). This could be done just by categorizing the pages and posts and linking to the category but then the link would not automatically appear in the navigation bar. So we want to create a custom page template that displays the weblog posts.