Solution: FLAC player for Nokia N95?

Image via Wikipedia After about 10 minutes of research I think it’s safe to say that “CorePlayer” is the only software that lets you listen to FLAC files on your nokia N95. Too bad it’s $29. If you know of a working player for the n95 or the n73 please let me know. Thanks

Solution: FLAC player for Nokia N95?2020-01-28T15:51:58-07:00

How to make your website mobile friendly without duplicate content penalty

Quick Answer for WordPress users: Install MobilePress. I’m looking for ways to make my existing websites more mobile phone friendly however in the past when I looked into it it was not clear how to avoid Google’s duplicate content penalty. Some solutions involved making a separate domain or subdomain for your mobile content. When I searched for “how to make your website mobile friendly without duplicate content penalty” most of the top results were websites that were not mobile phone friendly on my Nokia phone. Obviously those guys were doing something wrong… why would you go through the effort of making your content mobile phone accessible if people cannot find it when they’re searching for it? […]

How to make your website mobile friendly without duplicate content penalty2020-01-28T15:52:01-07:00
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