Daily photoshop…. note on door

It is one thing to do the photoshop tutorials and another thing to be able to recreate the work from memory. In this one I tried to combine past exercises …. the the knife, the wood pattern, and the wrinkled paper.  click it to enlarge.

Daily photoshop…. note on door2020-01-28T15:52:00-07:00

Daily Photoshop… knife tutorial

Source: http://psd.tutsplus.com/tutorials/drawing/create-a-knife-in-photoshop/ Learned the ctrl+j shortcut to duplicate selection to new layer. Good pen tool practice. Adding noise with motion blur makes the striations on the blade. Gaussian blur gives the whole thing a bit of glow. Stroked paths make the crack in the wall. Dodge and burn tool on the handle to shadow it.  

Daily Photoshop… knife tutorial2020-01-28T15:52:00-07:00

Wood seamless pattern with crumpled paper

I turned the wood image from this tutorial into a seamless pattern then added a piece of crumpled and torn paper. Just trying to improve my Photoshop expression skills.

Wood seamless pattern with crumpled paper2020-01-28T15:52:01-07:00

Photoshop seamless background tutorial results

When I see interesting natural patterns in the real world sometimes I will take photos of them with my phone and upload them to my Flickr account… today I finally found a great tutorial on how to make seamless background images from the patterns. Here is the tutorial. I have seen other seamless background tutorials but this one seemed to make the easiest job of it. […]

Photoshop seamless background tutorial results2020-01-28T15:52:01-07:00

Photoshop experiment…

The photo is from James's recent travels around Anchorage, Alaska... I was playing around with the wrinkled paper tutorial... http://psd.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tutorials-effects/quick-tip-create-a-realistic-paper-texture-in-5-minutes/ 

Photoshop experiment…2020-01-28T15:52:01-07:00
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