Solution: Can we put links into a dropbox?

I’ve had this problem…. I get an email with a link in it and I want to open the link on my mobile phone ( Android / Iphone / Symbian ) .… I’ve got dropbox installed on my mobile and I was looking for an easy way to get that link from my desktop into my mobile phone via the dropbox. I couldn’t find anything when I searched for “can we put links into a dropbox” so I tried searching for “save a website as a shortcut into your dropbox” and wah-lah… what do we have here!! […]

Solution: Can we put links into a dropbox?2011-08-04T14:46:13-07:00

Solution: Everything Search not indexing files in Dropbox folder

Problem: Files in Dropbox folder ( in my case all files and filetypes )  that were previously indexed via Everything search suddenly were not showing up in the Everthing search results. I found two different solutions that worked on this post: […]

Solution: Everything Search not indexing files in Dropbox folder2020-01-28T15:51:52-07:00

Solution: WordPress image importer from external url images

Summary: you want to have WordPress automatically import external images that you have indebted in your blog posts so that those external sites don't get angry that you're stealing their bandwidth and also to prevent broken images in the future when that other site removed the image. This WordPress plug-in does exactly that... although because I had so many old posts the retroactive feature where it goes through and finds all external images inall previously posted posts was not working... however it was working for new posts that I created. Here's a link to the plug-in:  As a way of saying thank you for the plug-in make sure to click on some of his Google ads! Features Finds all [...]

Solution: WordPress image importer from external url images2020-01-28T15:51:54-07:00

Solution: Use Jquery on a static site to automatically link together pages in a back and next fashion.

This is a jquery script that you add to your static websites to automate the linking together of a series of pages. I needed it to link together a product tour but you could easily use it for many other purposes. View Demo Problems this solves: No need to manually add “back” and “next” links to each page No need to link each back and next page to the relevant pages. When you want to reorder the pages you don’t need to re link the pages. […]

Solution: Use Jquery on a static site to automatically link together pages in a back and next fashion.2020-01-28T15:51:57-07:00
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